SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is an on-going process of optimizing your website site for search engine, so that, when a customer is types a word or phase in the search engines, such as, Google, Yahoo.., the search engine can find your website and list it on its result page.
According to, as of Oct 2010, there were 240 million registered domains. In other words, the chance of a search engine finding and listing your website, as one of the result, is 1 in 234 million sites. Thus monitoring, fine-tuning and optimizing a website plays an important role in managing the website and improving the chances of being found by search engine. According to, the average click rate for website listed at position 1 to 4 in the search result page, the click through rate is 18%. That is, higher the website listing on the search result page increases the number of online visitors to your site. Here are 10 SEO tips by Steve Wiideman, "SEO Expert".
SMO is an acronym for Social Media Optimization. SMO is the strategy used to drive the traffic to your site from sources other than search engines. Some of the SMO techniques include blog commenting, social bookmarking, social networking, video and photo sharing.
SMM Is an acronym for Social Media Marketing. [Wikipedia] SMM is a form of Internet Marketing using social network to promote business or website using tools such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc. The Top 20 Social Media Sites. It provides an opportunity for directly interact with a targeted group. [More about SEO, SEM & SMM]